We all possess both polarities – you are not evil, you are not your shadow. We all possess both potentialities, in fact, infinite potentialities.
Your black heart, Anubis? It’s still good – there is still light there. Can’t see it? Feel it. Can’t feel it? Be open to the POSSIBILITY of feeling it.
It will hurt when you first let it in. It will almost burn when it touches the deepest, darkest parts of you. Let it burn – you will be okay, it is only the energy not serving you that is burning away – let your body do what it has always been meant to and able to do – heal; you are infinite, you are limitless, you are a walking miracle.
Acknowledge, accept, forgive, and integrate all aspects that make you, you. Is there something you dislike? Choose better, choose to experience the opposite. All we can do is be a little better than we were yesterday, every day. That is healing: to SLOWLY, at your own respective pace, experience the opposite – that is Thriving Through Trauma.
What potentiality are you choosing for yourself? What are you choosing to activate? If you feel that you have no choice; well, I’m here to break it to you that, that is you giving up your power willingly. Embrace your free will and take your power back – while you still can.. you will always be able to, but it may take some serious extra effort. Have you made some mistakes? Make amends – there couldn’t be a better time to express a little extra love. Trust that you’re being guided this way for a reason – even if it doesn’t make sense.
Embrace this energy portal we are collectively moving through and choose the reality you wish to step into – embody love, radiate love, for you are love.
The fear you feel is an echo of a past you can send love to – for you are love. So fill it with light, for you are light and love. Allow your darkness to understand that it, too, is light and love.
Fear is a lack of love – but how can you be afraid when you are love?
Just as darkness is an absence of light and it can be cleared by filling it with light; fear is an absence of love and can be cleared by being filled (at the very least to start surrounded) by love.
You have the power to say no to versions of yourself that you no longer resonate with – that does not mean you remove them from you forever, they will always be a part of you – but it is your choice whether to embody them.
Embody a little more love, every day, for you are love.
Come back to zero point and remember who the hell you are;
Infinite love and eternal peace.