Katie Tougas is a Neuroscience (Biology/Psychology) Honours graduate of Brock University and is currently working on completing her second Honours degree, a double major in Physics and Chemistry. She aspires toward much in the coming years, but following the devastating loss of her second parent, mother, and best friend in 2017 she has been focussing on her creative outlets and rebuilding her foundations. Her past is complicated and dark, but she leads with virtue in that even during the darkest times we can thrive by finding our own light. Rather than waiting to fully heal to be an example to the community, she is inviting your to join her on her journey in rediscovering self-love and confidently navigating life with Complex Post-Traumatic Stress. In reflection of her therapy treatments, Katie intends to first express her experiences through the patient’s perspective. When the time comes for reflection, she will take you down a path of scientific explanation for what was happening to her neurologically as she healed and what typically occurs in patients with similar mental health status. There is much more that will be integrated as time goes on, as well. Please tune in to see what she has to offer, hopefully something discussed will resonate!
As of right now, Katie releases casual Podcast episodes or Live videos on social media outlets when she can, as she works through this period of stabilization and integration in her own life. Her spontaneity in posting stems from her Human Design nature of being a Mental Projector. She came here to guide and teach, and her action fluctuates with energetic levels. Katie has always had a connection to the afterlife and nonphysical phenomena, so she is open to offering one-on-one sessions to those who are called. Please refer to her blog postings for more information on her offerings and qualifications, as well as to the tabs linked within this website.
Lastly, she is a certified Guide, Healer, and Meditation Facilitator. Simply invite her. One often does not require repeat sessions with her unless there is a chronic issue being addressed, because she encourages and teaches individual clients to listen to their own guidance system above and beyond all else external.
Ever since she can remember, Katie has had this innate ability to connect to the spirit world. Unfortunately until 2019, her abilities unsettled her and she rejected them. Now as she has started to embrace and accept them for the gift they are, she has been propelled into this Shamanistic journey. She cannot wait to see how this endeavour unfolds for her life moving forward.
Simply send an email to Katie Tougas herself at [email protected]
for business inquiries, scheduling, or collaboration. Or make an appointment with her scheduler (link above)! If you have a specific request or concern before booking your session, an email is the perfect modality to attain clarification and peace of mind 🙂
Infinite love and eternal peace ❤️🙏🕊